Moving over VirtualBox/Vagrant the hard way

There is a right way to move/copy over a VirtualBox to a new computer/colleague/etc.

And then there is the hard way.  What is the hard way?  The hard way is when you need to manually copy over .vbx and .box files and edit .xml files. 

Step 1 – Copy files over from the old drive.

Copy over the directory that contains the .vagrant folder. The way I have my environment it’s “c:\home\blah”.  I do by having 2 windows explorer windows open, and dragging and right-clicking on the destination folder, then clicking “Copy here” or “TerraCopy here.”

Take note of the value of c:\home\blah\.vagrant\machines\default\virtualboxes\id


Next, copy over the c:\Users\YOURNAME\VirtualBox VMs\xxx folder that corresponds/correlates to your Vagrant box.

Then, double click on the .vbox file in the directory you just copied over. This should automatically import it into VirtualBox.

Finally, open up c:\Users\YOURNAME\.VirtualBox\VirtualBox.xml and check that the uuid matches.

      <MachineEntry uuid="{aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeee}" src="C:/Users/YOURNAME/VirtualBox VMs/xxx/xxx.vbox"/>

Fire up your cmd prompt, switch to the c:\home\xxx\ directory and

vagrant up


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